4 Often Overlooked Signs You Need Sewer Line Repair

If you’re like most people, you don’t think about your sewer line until there’s a problem. And by then, it’s usually too late. Fortunately, there are some tell-tale signs that can indicate when you need sewer line repair. Here are four of the most common signs to repair your sewer lines in Santa Rosa, CA.

If you have to flush your toilet more than once to clear it, there could be a problem with your sewer line. This is caused by a build-up of grease, soap scum, and other materials that can clog the line. If this is a frequent problem, it’s time to call one of the best local plumber services in Santa Rosa, CA to take a look.

Are your drains are constantly backing up? Well, it could be a sign of a blockage in your sewer line. This is usually caused by tree roots that have grown into the line. If you notice this problem, it’s important to call a plumber as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your home.

Do you have patches of green grass in your yard? This is another sign of a sewer line problem. When there’s a break in the line, sewage can seep out and create a breeding ground for bacteria, which can then lead to the growth of grass. If you see this, it’s time to call a professional to take a look.

Finally, if you notice a foul odor coming from your drains, it’s a sign that your sewer line needs to be repaired. This is usually caused by a build-up of sewage in the line. If you notice this problem, it’s important to call a professional as soon as possible to avoid further damage to your home.

At Curoso Plumbing, we are dedicated to providing the best possible plumbing services to our customers in Santa Rosa, CA. We have the experience and knowledge to effectively repair your sewer line and gas line in Santa Rosa, CA. Contact us today at 707-545-5017 to schedule a free consultation.